I have over 25 years performing Magic Shows, Comedy, and Circus.
I was born in Argentina and living in the city of Barcelona, since the year 2001.
My shows were on stages all over the world and received various awards for my career as an artist. My shows define me.
Maximilian Stia
Mage & Presenter circuses- Advisor of companies art
- Creator of characters for shows
- Producer of magic shows
- Presenter circuses
- Illusionist
- Founder of the Palace of the magic
Ilusionista & Presentador

Compañías & Proyectos
- 1995 Created his first Company, “The Simepagan Boys”.
- 1995 Created the duo “2-1/4” and make a show at Villa Gessel
- 1999-2009 Created the “Duo Tangordios” that would travel around the world for 10 years.
- 2019 a creative Director in the team of Sony in the "Davis Cup of Tennis" of Madrid.
Espectáculos & Shows
- 2007 Creation of “Freak Museum” fair principle of century.
- 2009, Created “Cartonutti” and the “3 RRR” for the Fiestas de la Mercè Barcelona.
- 2010-2011 Follies balkan with the character “Odoroff,” and shows in Spain.
- 2012 Circus Winter of the Ateneo Popular de Nou Barris, Barcelona, with the show “Wonders” of the family Bolondo.
- 2014 Tour of Brazil with the family Bolondo, with the show “Wonders”.
- 2019 Creation of the show “Magic Cotton Candy”.
Magic and Presentation
- 1997-1998 Magic with the NGO “Clowns Without Borders”. El Salvador and Guatemala.
- 2001 Magic with the NGO “Clowns Without Borders”Palestine.
- 2003 Magic with the NGO “Clowns Without Borders” Iraq.
- 2013 Season Illusionist and Ring Master in the “Gifford Circus” of England. (More than 300 shows).
- 2015 Season illusionist and Ring Master in the “Gifford Circus” of England. (More than 300 shows).
- 2016 Season Illusionist and Ring Master in the “Circo Raluy Legacy” of Spain. (More than 300 shows).
- 2016 Presenter Contest of the XXXIV National Congress of Magic, Granada, 2016
- 2017 Presenter Gala International “Lugomáxico ”Lugo.
- 2017-20 Seasons dy” of Spain Illusionist and Ring Master of the Circus Raluy Legaca. (More than a Thousand shows).